All the latest news from Biopanel
With the ability to implement direct engagement utilising Biopanel across the remaining workforce within 20 minutes of notification of the issue, key data was gathered surrounding the reasons for the spike in attrition. The data gathered revealed concerns amongst the incumbent workforce surrounding rates of pay.
Read news articleDid you know that offering flexible working is the top attractor for the top talent? In 2019, skilled workers are high in demand and hard to place. This is due to the demand for better working conditions and benefits in the workplace. Office’s such as WeWork, Amazon, Google and Facebook have upped our expectations of what we want from working life.
Read news articleDid you know that 20% of women in the IT sector leave their job due to Gender Pay Gap Inequalities? So what does 'Gender Reporting' mean and what is its importance?
Read news articleThe basic motivation tactics are no longer sufficient. You need to start thinking outside the box, so here are 5 ways to motivate employees in 2019.
Read news articleAccording to recent studies, it was reported that half of all working days lost to illness was due to anxiety, stress or depression. Here's 5 ways you can help reduce stress in the workplace.
Read news articleOnboarding is beneficial for both the company and the employee. The benefits highlight why it is so vital in the process of hiring.
Read news articleRobots, AI and Biometric technology are all on the rise. So, what are you going to do to stay ahead of HR game in the future?
Read news articleEmployee recognition is appreciated by employees as it confirms that their work is valued. A simple thank you can go a long way, but it's even more effective when employees are rewarded for their achievements.
Read news article39% of employees state their workplace does not provide any form of mental health support. Here is how to change that in 3 easy steps.
Read news articleIt’s time to clock into 2018, just doing ‘enough’ isn’t enough anymore. The stereotype of ‘you don’t have to like your boss/job’ has grown old, as everyone appreciates having a workplace that is caring and nurturing. 89 percent of bosses believe employees quit because they want more money, only 12% do. This is down to reason such as lack of challenging and engaging work or support in the workplace.
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